I’m starting out and have no idea what to do!


So you’ve made your New Years Resolution and it’s (as cliche as it sounds) to lose weight, be healthier, get fitter, be toned etc… Everyone (pretty much) makes that at least one of their New Years Resolutions in the many years they may have on earth. Now that you’ve said you’re going to lose weight you need to actually learn how to do it. Many people buy in to fad diets – it’s cool, i’ve been there too – and they don’t actually do their research; what are “good fats”, what are “bad fats”, what food does what? Well here is a little post about a couple of things you need to know about nutrition before embarking on your journey.

First things first, what does fat do?

Fats have a number of jobs that they do, the first important role they play is that they give you energy – i know right?! Many people don’t actually realise that fats are there to give you energy, if you don’t use that up then it stores itself as fat on your body. The second job is that it helps regulate your body temperature, which is obviously super important when working out! Fats also have other biological impacts like being involved in producing essential hormones and keeping your hair, skin and nails healthy! Very cool right?! So as much as people HATE fats, fats actually help your body in many different ways (there are more but i don’t want to bore you with things you may not need to know as much of at this stage! But definitely look in to it!)

Number two, what are the different types of fats?

Have you ever looked at the packet of a food product to see how may grams of fat it has, how many calories, sugar etc..? Well now you can look at the back of that product knowing what kinds of fats you’re looking for and which ones are the ones to look out for!

So you have three types of fats; saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated that are good for us and one that we should steer clear from!

Saturated fats are found in foods such as animal fats, cheese, coconut oil, eggs and butter. They help to keep good cholesterol levels up in the blood and therefore helps the heart. Many people associate saturated fats with being bad, but they’re only bad when you consume too much of them – a good even amount will do wonders 🙂

Monounsaturated fats are found different types of oil, such as peanut, sesame and extra virgin olive oil, as well as being in avocados and nuts. These fats are also good for increasing good levels of cholesterol. By snacking on foods such as nuts with these fats in, your blood levels are more likely to be stabilised and therefore have longer amounts of energy.

Polyunsaturated fats are found in other types of oil; sunflower, flaxseed and walnut oil as well as being present in oily fish! I’m a girl who likes her salmon so this is definitely a bonus for me! These kinds of fats help to protect your body by reducing risks of injuries and chronic disease, this i because they act as an anti-inflammatory.

Hydrogenated fats are the ones we need to be aware of and try and stay clear of! They are unnatural fats that are used in food products to increase shelf-life, yes that means they are found in low fat products! Trans fats are proven to carry a serious amount of risk with them as they increase blood level cholesterol (bad ones) and can cause heart disease. These kinds of fats (hydrogenated and trans) can be found in biscuits, pastries, cakes, meat pies etc…

What about carbs?

Carbohydrates’ main role is to also provide the body with energy when doing intense exercises (they’re also healthy and awesome for brain function! Who knew?!) So just like with fats, you can have real carbs and fake carbs. Real carbs are found in wholesome real foods (foods that are not processed like fruits, grains, vegetables and milk products) and fake carbs are found in, well processed foods – fewer refined products like white rice and white bread!

“good” carbohydrates generally have a lower glycemic loads, which means that you will get lower amounts of sugars released at a more consistent rate – instead of peaking throughout the day when you process bad carbs.

Having a low carb diet may aid in your metabolism speeding it up!

It is generally said that your main diet should be high protein low carbs…

Which leads us on to our next one; what is protein?

So where can protein be found? Sources of protein are found in foods such as; eggs, milk, yogurt, fish and seafood, soya, pistachio nuts, pork, chicken and turkey and beans and pulses. Protein is an essential part of out diet day to day as it helps a number of functions within our body. It is responsible for building tissues, cells and muscles (repair and growth) as well as making hormones and antibodies. It also helps to regulate our metabolism, produce hormones and strengthen our immune system. The important point to remember out of this list (for working out purposes) is that it helps to repair and grow muscles – hence having a high protein diet!

In terms of nutrition for losing weight we all know that we need to eat healthy, wholesome foods, that much is for certain. What i have written is a general guide to help you understand what kinds of foods you need to be focussing on and how they are important (biologically) for our bodies. My carb to protein ratio changes all the time, because well for my body, my personal needs my food intake needs to be adjusted regularly, number one; because my metabolism gets too happy where it’s at and i need to change it up a bit and because second, well mentally, i’d get bored! if you get bored you’re more likely to give up on this whole healthy eating thaaang!

I hope this article has helped you and hasn’t been too boring! Peace out 🙂


Example; Weightloss Programme

Good Morning! (or afternoon/evening depending on when you’re reading this!)

So this is  an example of my weightloss regime; week 1 of my 8 week healthy eating plan…

This isn’t a “diet” where you just have shakes and smoothies for 8 weeks then go back to how you were eating, its a transformation from an unhealthy fat filled diet to a healthy sensible food plan for the rest of your life. You can’t just delve in to the unknown and go for whatever makes you lose weight the quickest – trust me i’ve been there and it doesn’t work. Sure you lose a tonne of weight in a short amount of time, but you’ll just end up back at square one still dumb on what it is you actually NEED to do to change your life around and be the person you want to be. Educate your self!

Here is week 1:


It’s a Monday which means it’s even harder to wake up, let alone actually getting out of bed! However if i’m honest this is probably THE day where you need to be up lively and ready to be organised to start your day in order to have a good week. Psychologically Monday is always considered; a new start, the  first day of work (for some/most people) and if you don’t start this day right then it’s harder to get your week off to the right start!


We need to rid you of your weekend toxins! That’s right i said it! I know that you’ve either been out on the town, indulging in our good friends Ben and Jerry, super busy that you’ve been picking unhealthy food and thinking, it’s alright i haven’t really eaten anything today so having these crisps or biscuit etc will definitely NOT matter – WRONG it totally does! So we now need to top our bodies off with the “right stuff”. This will give you an awesome boost!

35 grams of porridge oats – mixed with water NOT milk (even if it’s skimmed) – topped with strawberries, raspberries, flax seeds (look them up they really are super healthy!) and blueberries! This is filling and will give you energy throughout the morning and help just give your body a boost – one that i can imagine it definitely needs!


ORANGE! More fruit! No way?!

I’m sorry but yes, it’s more fruit. Fruit is amazing for you, it gives you the nutrients you need to help boost your immune system and on top of that it is a “speedy” food. It helps build up your metabolism – pretty much, there’s more scientific reasoning behind it, but to be honest i just want to get everything down! If you have questions feel free to write them down!


Chicken breast x2 and cherry tomatoes (as many as you want!)  with ALOT of garlic and pepper seasoning! I love my seasoning and it is absolutely FAT FREE! You may think that this is boring as anything, but this is going to give you a great dose of protein (that isn’t powder!) and that means more clean slow releasing energy. (Clean meaning untainted with crappy additives!)


For tea tonight we have a grilled steak (it can be fried, but if it is, cook it in fry light!), x2 new potatoes with 1 boiled egg and as much salad as you want! I know salads are boring and bland but if you need some flavour, use which every herbs or spices you have gathering dust in your cupboard and mix it with 0% fat yogurt then pour generously over your salad 🙂



Tomatoes on toast – random and weird i know but just go with it!


FRUIT! It is a lovely fruit salad for lunch today and to make you feel better you may have as much as you want and whatever fruit you like. If you have banana not have too many – like 4 or 5, you don’t want to over do it on fibre. Although banana is obviously healthy because it’s a fruit it’s not a speedy food because of its sugar content as well, so too much of it will do the opposite of what you want it to do!


Fresh fish and a lovely salad! I know you’re probably thinking that you’ve had a lot of salad in just 2 days but we are trying to get some of that goodness in your body that you’ve been missing for a while!

Wednesday and Thursday:

So for these two next days you’ll be repeating Monday and Tuesday, lets give your body the ultimate top up! I hope you don’t find it too boring but the first week is about learning what you like and getting over that initial; “for fuck sake all i want to do it eat pizza and cake!”


Smoked salmon (up to 5 slices) drizzled with lemon, boiled egg x2 and a grapefruit. Grape fruit is a hard one to get yourself to eat. It’s extremely sour, but if you know how to eat it etc. it can be a lot nicer! Sweetner will be your best friend (just sprinkle it all over it after cutting it in half) then place it in the oven for 2 minutes, take it out and put 0% fat yogurt mixed with more sweetner and put a massive dollop of it on the open half! LUSH!


No it does not mean that it’s a treaty cheat day because it’s the weekend! You need to have a full clean week before you can start having your cheat meal! So for breakfast today it is strawberries (chopped), raspberries (chopped/mashed) with 0%fat yogurt, a table spoon of honey and mix it all together then spread on 2 slices of wholemeal toast! As bizarre as it might sound, it’s soooooo nice! A brilliant alternative to jam!


2 poached eggs on a bed of spinach and any other salad you fancy! Have as much as you want! Apologies if you still find this boring, but it gets better, remember its the first week. We’re training your body to thrive off of beautiful, do good, healthy nutrients and vitamins 🙂


Lamb chops with runner beans, carrots and tomatoes – with this, i tend to pan fry the lamb chops (with fry light), boil the runner beans and carrots but then put them in the oven along with the tomatoes, season well and bobs your uncle!!


Oh my word it’s sunday already, fuck me! Congratulations if you managed to get through the week without indulging in any other shitty foods! And if you did have a slip up, it’s fine, but what i tend to do is repeat the week if i had a bit of fail – well not a fail, lets not call it a fail, a bit of a hiccup!

Now that it’s Sunday you may choose what you have for each meal and snackage! HOWEVER, choose from the following foods, what it is that you will have. It’s all about taking control but there can always be too much too soon, so Sundays will be a “lets see how it goes and what i fancy when i fancy it kind of day” – but obviously still sticking with these foods!

  • Fruit – any!
  • Chicken – no fat though
  • Salad
  • Tomatoes
  • Peppers
  • Onions
  • Turkey mince – 2% fat or less (Tesco do it!)
  • Tinned tomatoes
  • x2 eggs (boiled or fried!)
  • x2 wholemeal bits of bread/toast
  • Grilled steak
  • Carrots
  • Runner beans
  • Broccoli

I HOPE YOU’VE HAD AN AWESOME WEEK!! Remember if you had a MASSIVE hiccup, and by hiccup i mean have a takeaway, loads of chocolate etc. then put it to the side and start again with your healthy eating!

New Year, New Me… Erm No Actually!

It is that time of year again ladies and gentlemen! Get ready to buy into fad diets through our empty “promises” to ourselves! Well no actually. I’m here to tell you that you are not going to wipe away the 2015 you that you built and just magically create a new you! You are going to build on that fabulous person you always have been!

How can we just disregard the journey that we’ve been through for an entire year… For the past 2 years?! I’ve been on my journey since September 2013 and I am no where near who I want to be in terms of physicality, but just because it’s a new year doesn’t mean I am going to say “right fuck off old me!”, it means I am going to build upon the foundations I have already put in place.

So when the 1st January comes to us this Friday don’t think about the new resolutions you are all going to make, think of how you can build upon what’s already there. Don’t tear down the awesome person you’ve been creating your entire life, get MORE motivated, get MORE organised with working out, plan MORE about what you’re going to eat over the next week.

Say to yourself:

‘I am me, I am irreplaceable and I am worth building upon! Not getting rid of…’


Merry christmas and a Happy New Year guys!

Love Yourself Mondays!

So guys i have done a… YOUTUBE VIDEO!

I did this a couple of months ago when i was reflecting on my journey of self loving. I’ve never called it that before… losing weight and referring it to ‘self loving’, it’s got more of a positive and motivating tone to the phrase. Anyway… before i go absolutely IN on this topic heres the video… Please take a look!

I show my skin in this video to show the effects of weightloss and hopefully people will be able to relate!

I’m Sorry What..?

When we join a gym we look at what we’re going to get included in our membership price… we weigh up the options, look at the classes etc and then we get pretty excited about our first session and just going in there doing it. Kicking some ass! Now i’ve been going to this particular gym for almost a year, i’ve made friends (more like acquaintances – but lovely people), i’ve met some pretty stuck up people (they’re everywhere) and i know the staff now, so i feel like i’m starting to be comfortable with this gym. Now considering i pay £40 a month for my membership i don’t expect to get told off for something completely unjustified – i feel. I don’t know if this happens at your gym, but when i joined i got a little card that i hand in to reception every time i arrive so that can swipe me in. Recently i forgot this card. I had left it in my other gym bag and just forgot it – I’M A MUM, IM UNORGANISED OF COURSE I’M GOING TO FORGET THINGS IN LIFE! When i went to reception i told them i had forgotten and instead of it being no big deal at all, they felt it necessary to patronise and tell me off for this slight mistake. I PAY YOU £40! YOU DO NOT TELL ME OFF, IT’S HARD ENOUGH COMING TO THE BLOODY GYM – GETTING THE MOTIVATION TO GET UP AND PHYSICALLY GO TO THE GYM, GO PROPER IN ON MY WORKOUT WHEN THERE ARE MANY SKINNY, FIT, HOT GIRLS AND GUYS AROUND ME IS HARD ENOUGH!!! DO NOT TALK TO ME LIKE SHIT WHEN YOU ARE JUST A RECEPTIONIST AND I PAY YOUR SALARY!! I AM CUSTOMER DOUCHEBAG AND ITS NOT A BIG DEAL!!

I do apologise for that rather massive rant, but when you’re overweight, the confidence to even go to the gym and really workout and not care what you look like is hard enough, without them making you feel like a school child getting told off by a teacher. I mean when i go on the treadmill i’m constantly aware of not only how i look BUT how i sound as well! I pant – i mean i know everyone pants when they run, but i really pant, i breathe incredibly heavily and just sound soooo unfit when i do it. Whats more is when there’s quite a few people that start to go on the treadmills while you’re on there you get a bit competitive – well i don’t know if that’s the right word – but you don’t wanna look slack! Especially if they’re already on the treadmill and you’re joining them, you know you have to stay on a bit longer than you intended! You just have to!

So the next time i go in the gym and if i happen to forget my gym card, i may just politely tell them where to shove it as in my world… ITS NOT A BIG DEAL! I’ve got more things to consider like; i’ve got to pick my son up at half 5, reports have to be handed in ASAP for work and obviously the dilemma that we all face… “do i look alright?/Have i lost any weight?/ Is my bum bigger yet?/Have i got all my food for meal prep?!” haha. Nahh, all i’m saying, is that when i get patronised and told off for such a small thing it just adds to a day that you were either doing so well with and that puts a negative spin on it, or you’ve had an absolutely crap day and this just makes you want to scream and shout as its the insignificant meaningless thing thats now been made in to an “issue” for you.

Rant over.

“I’m curvy… AND I LIKE IT!”

I’ve come to realise that throughout this process of living a healthy lifestyle, trying to lose weight and just look and feel as best as i can… that i don’t love myself. I don’t think i’m sexy, i hate my rolls, i hate my bingo wings and i hate that every time i have sex theres the potential for the sound of my stomach fat to make slapping noises! Sorry but it had to be said. It’s a common obstacle that we “fattys” have to go through. It can happen with when we work out; running, cycling (but the sit back ones mostly), jumping etc so with sex it is even more likely to occur with the amount of cardio you have to do there! And if I’m honest i absolutely hate it, its embarrassing! I’ve been with my boyfriend for a year now and still i have to wear a t-shirt if i’m going on top… but not just any t-shirt, something that can muffle the sounds of my stomach and cover me up but still make me look semi decent… i mean it is sex, you want to look at least a little bit sexy! But in spite of all of that i need to learn to love my body. At the moment i don’t and i’m sure many of you out there have the same feelings as i do… but i hope in time that i will learn to love it. I’m starting to appreciate that through being a big girl, i’ve always had big boobs, which of course is a bonus! However you can’t help but find something stupidly wrong with them can you! For instance, yes i have big boobs and of course the attention they get is obviously the kind of attention i like, BUT after having a child and being fat to losing weight they are not pretty and perky and firm! They hang a bit lower than one might want them to and they’re really good to squeeze if you’ve had a stressful day and therefore in a bra they look amazing BUT not so much without a bra if you know what i mean!

All of these insecurities that i have, you have, that everyone has about themselves, is something that needs to be loved. Yes i hate being fat and i wish my boobs could be a bit perkier (and less saggy) but we have to look at how we got to that point, my boobs are the way they are because i was big and got small and because being pregnant changed my body… now i’m starting to learn to love the journey my body’s been on and how proud i am of that. I don’t LOVE my body yet by any means, i have insecurities, many things i wish i could change, but if theres one thing that makes my body unique from anyone else’s, its the journey that its been on. It shows pregnancy, courage, change, hard work, determination and most importantly it shows my life. My outer shell represents me and my stretch marks represent the journey i’ve been on with my pregnancy and losing weight and what they both bring and mean to my life.

I may not love my body yet (and promise i am working on that!) but i love the journey that my life has been on and is currently on! Now i have a task for you… stand naked in the mirror (thats the first step and YES it is hard and if you manage to do it well done, it takes balls!), look at every single part of your body 2 minutes (time yourself – turn around to get a look from every angle), now feel yourself, touch every single part of your body and get to know it, look at every scar, stretch mark etc and feel it, now with a pen (of your choosing) circle the bits you don’t like, the scars the stretch marks, whatever they are circle them, now imagine how you would look if they weren’t there. I bet you’re thinking that you’d look pretty damn good and “if that just wasn’t there it would be fine”. Now ask yourself… why are they there? How did they get to be there? Would you trade any of those experiences to get rid of the bits you hate? I absolutely loathe my stretch marks, but i would never get rid of the experience of being pregnant and having my son just to get rid of my stretch marks. They show what i’ve been through. Even if i wasn’t pregnant and got my stretch marks through just being fat, i still wouldn’t get rid of that experience because it wouldn’t have put me on the journey i’m on today and i wouldn’t have met the people i have through going on this journey.

My body is my trophy, my story and i will learn to love it.


When im at home on the weekends with my little boy it’s hard to fit in a workout – although looking after a toddler doesn’t exactly consist of lazying around! But I don’t workout on the weekends, or i didnt, until i started customising my own workouts to suit me and how far i wanted to push myself. So when he’s asleep, having his nap, i write down i workout that i know i can do and that won’t make me completely exhausted so that when he wakes up i don’t have any energy.

Below i have attached a photo of my workout written on the back of an envelop that was address to me. You don’t have to go all professional mode when you’re at home, write it on anything, if you have a diary then brilliant, write it in there, but i have a folder with loads of old envelopes, bits of paper, clippings or meals, recipes and other workouts that has everything i need in it. I can then go back to it and have a look at some of the old workouts and recipes i used to do. You see i’m not that organised, despite being a mum, and so usually find the nearest bit of paper that can be sacrificed for my workout. When i’m on the phone, for instance, and i need to write some information down or a phone number i’ll look around, struggle to find a pen, then when i eventually do, i then try to find a bit of scrap paper and proceed to jot down and doodle whatever the person on the other end of the phone tells me. To be honest, i just call it recycling!


Here it is!

Before i embark on written workout i always jog up and down my garden about six times to make sure im warmed. ESSENTIAL!

If you can’t read my writing here is what it says:

1st Set

  • 40 SQUATS
  • 10 BURPEES
  • 20 SQUATS

2nd Set

  • 40 SQUATS
  • 10 BURPEES
  • 20 SQUATS


That is the workout. Think of it as you will, some of you may like it, some of you wont, but for me, this is perfect, i ware myself out and feel good after i do it!

Keep it healthy

So i get really bored with food quite quickly and am always trying to add a bit more flavour or mix it up a bit, but i decided to go back to basics and keep it simple.

My lunch the other day was absolutely amazing, SOOOOO tasty and sooo simple at the same time. I had chicken sweet chili salad. Now that might sound boring but here is what i used:

  • Rocket (it actually has a really prominent, distinguished taste)
  • Spring onions
  • Cucumber
  • Chicken (strips of chicken cooked in fry light)
  • Lettuce leaves (I don’t like too many lettuce leaves – but that’s just personal preference)
  • Pepper (black pepper sprinkled
  • Sweet Chili sauce (a table spoon drizzled over)
  • Fromage frais (a table spoon mixed in to it – I LIKE SAUCE!)

Healthy lunch

And this is the outcome!

It tasted so good and didnt take long to make at all. When you get bored of food or you think that there’s nothing else to have because you’ve had all of the cool inventive (but healthy stuff), take it back to basics – salads can be nice as well, you just have to make them to your liking!

Now i’m not gonna lie, after i had this salad i had a LUSH, MASSIVE, AS MUCH AS I WANTED, bowl of chocolate mousse that i made myself. All it consists of is natural fat free yogurt ,mixed with a tea spoon of hot chocolate powder (options – because you can get all different types of flavours) and sweetner (as much as you like!). Mix that all together and you have a healthy version of chocolate mousse. To pack it out even more i added chopped banana and strawberries. So i’m even getting my fruit in there as well.

If there’s alternative way of making it to make it healthier than just do it! I know it’s effort and sometimes you just want to indulge in what you like, like a big bar of galaxy accompanied with M&M’s – BUT instead of just satisfying your sweet tooth you’re also gaining about 500+ calories and fat and excess sugar. REMEMBER YOU DONT WANT THAT! YOUR LONG TERM GOAL IS MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOUR SHORT TERM CRAVING!

Draaaaaank (drink)

SW water bottle

So i posted this in my slimming world group to remind everyone that your body is made up of 70% water and therefore to aid in your weightless drinking plenty is sooooo important I CANT STRESS IT ENOUGH. However, unfortunately i don’t mean wine, or beer, or coke i do mean water. Luckily enough for me i LOVE water, to make it taste a bit better if you’re not too keen on it by itself, have it with a slice of lemon. A slice of lemon in tap water also helps with weightloss, just like green tea does!

Here is a full size picture of my water bottle below to show you what i’ve written on it. I know some of you are probably thinking that you’ll look stupid going in to work and taking a bottle, that is in actual fact a milk carton, with writing on it and then drinking water from it! But i do it and i assure you it’s helped me drink so much more water than i did before. i’m usually terrible, but i try and drink at least two filled bottles of this a day 🙂

SW water 2

Lunch on the go!

Lunch salmon

When trying to lose weight i’ve found that when i go to work i tend to buy something there or take something from home that i can snack on (but isn’t near enough as healthy or filling!). Usually, if I’m trying to be healthy, i’ll take some ham, a bit of cooked chicken and an apple, but that isn’t tasty at all! It’s boring and eating boring food makes me go and buy sandwiches, wraps or little pasties instead, or even after i’ve had the ham and chicken! But I’m shooting myself in the foot and i know it, but i just can’t help buying nice hot pasties or toasties or filled sandwiches and wraps, so preparing my meals for work the next day is something i DEFINITELY need to do if i have any hope of staying on track. The fact that i haven’t, in the past, prepared my meals the night before coincides with my unorganised lifestyle, scattery and forgetful nature, but last night i made a conscious effort to try and make something i knew would fill me up and i knew would be filling. I cooked a smoked salmon fillet and king prawns in a cajun spice (using fry light) and put them on a bed of salad, including spinach leaves, rocket, lettuce leaves and chopped tomatoes. Now i really like my sauces, I’m not about the dry life, for example i can’t have a tin of tuna without some mayo, so with this i put quark on the salad before placing the salmon on top. If you don’t know what quark is, it’s a fat free soft cheese that you can use to make cheesecakes with as well as put in salads, carbonara’s etc and its completely FAT FREE!

So i’m gonna try and make a promise to myself to cook/prepare my lunch for work the night before!

Although i prepared my lunch today, i got back home and i saw a packet of crisps (crisps and chocolate are my ultimate weakness, as well as carrot cake) and i instantly wanted them! So as i was making Jamie a sandwich with some CRISPS i had one, just one to curb the craving and because i felt guilty at the same time as i placed that crisp in my mouth, it also curbed my craving, one was all i had! What i’m trying to get at, is well all have slip-ups, me nearly all the time, but curbing that WANT for it by just having one crisp or a tiny bit of what you fancy allows you to have control. It allows you to have a sense of control about being able to eat healthy when you want and eating a little bit of what you want, which is the most important part, being able to food optimise.